rec_init(), rel_init(), rep_init(),
rec_winit(), rel_winit(), rep_winit()

  (RecData *recdata, const char *file_title);

extern KADMOS_ERROR KADMOS_API rec_winit
  (RecData *recdata, const wchar_t *file_title);

  (RelData *reldata, const char *file_title);

extern KADMOS_ERROR KADMOS_API rel_winit
  (RelData *reldata, const wchar_t *file_title);

  (RepData *repdata, const char *file_title);

extern KADMOS_ERROR KADMOS_API rep_winit
  (RepData *repdata, const wchar_t *file_title);


recdata, reldata, repdata
Pointer to a structure REC, REL or REP.
String with the name of the requested classifier file.

Return value:

RE_SUCCESS or KADMOS error type.


re?_init() loads the classifier file, specified by file_title, for subsequent calls of re?_info(), re?_do(), and rel_freeimages(). The classifier is unloaded by a call of re?_end(), the allocated memory is freed. For the call of re?_init() the values of version and interna in the structures RecData, RelData, RepData, the sub structure ReInit, and the sub structure ReParm are concerned.
If version is filled in, it will be checked for correctness. Else the version of the called library is filled in by re?_init().

The values of interna will be set to handles of the loaded classifier data, and must not be changed before re?_end() has been called. In the ReParm sub structure parm the default values of the parameters will be filled in.

For rel_init():
Under rel_grid_maxlen, rel_graph_maxlen, and rel_result_maxlen it has to be specified how much memory has to be provided internally for data structures RelGrid, RelGraph, and RelResult to take the results of internal calls of rel_do() from subsequent calls of rep_do().

For rep_init():
If rep_memory is set to the address of allocated memory and rep_memory_size is set to the size of this memory in byte, then the line recognition results of subsequent calls of rep_do() are stored there.

The values of interna will be set to handles of the loaded classifier data, and must not be changed before re?_end() has been called. In the ReParm sub structure parm the default values of the parameters will be filled in. In case of success the functions return RE_SUCCESS, in case of error they return the related error type. The error text can be retrieved by calling re_GetErrorText() or be displayed by calling re_DisplayErrorText().
