
typedef struct ReSpellData_tag {
  ReSpellInit init;
  ReSpellParm parm;

  short rel_graph_in_len;
  short rel_result_in_len;

  const RelGraph *rel_graph_in;
  const RelResult *rel_result_in;
  KADMOS_ERROR (KADMOS_API *oem_spell_lookup)(const char *word, char *results, int results_size);
  long  oem_codepage;
  char  oem_wordchars[512];
  short oem_reject_char;
  short filler1[3];

  const RelData *rel_repeat;
  const RepData *rep_repeat;
  RepResult     *repr;

  short rel_graph_out_len;
  short rel_result_out_len;
  short result_text_len;
  short filler2;

 RelGraph *rel_graph_out; 
  RelResult *rel_result_out;
  void *result_text;      
  void *filler3;

} ReSpellData;


Activation of a dictionary. This parameter use be set before a call of respell_init().
RESPELL can be configured with many parameters. These parameters are included in the ReSpellParm structure. Such a structure is an element of the structures ReSpellData and is preset to default values with respell_init().
Number of items of rel_graph_in.
Number of items of rel_result_in.
Input RelGraph area which is to be processed by respell_do().
Input RelResult area which is to be processed by respell_do(). The code page is expected to be given in rel_codepage.
Private or OEM used dictionary lookup function Parameters of this function:
word = Word for search, results = Memory for the result, results_size = Length of the result.
The code page used for your own dictionary.
All characters of all words of the private dictionary.
The rejection character needed for the own spellchecker.
8 byte alignment.
rel_repeat, rep_repeat
If the related parameter is set to the address of a related structure RelData or RepData (whichever had been used for recognition before calling respell__do()), then rel_do() is called again internally for every single word which hasn't been found in the dictionary. Only one of them (rel_repeat or rep_repeat) must be set if required. In case of rel_repeat, rel_repeat has to contain the recognition results for rel_graph_in and rel_result_in. In case of rep_repeat, repr has to point to the recognition results of the recognized text line under rel_graph_in and rel_result_in. When rel_repeat or rep_repeat is set, PREP_INPLACE must NOT be set in the related parm.prep.
If the parameter rep_repeat (above) is set, then repr has to be set to the RepResult data of the text line rel_graph_in, rel_result_in to be processed by respell_do()..
Length (count of returned elements) of the output rel_graph_out which have been filled in by respell_do().
Length (count of returned elements) of the output rel_graph_out which have been filled in by respell_do().
Length (count of returned characters) of result_text which has been provided by respell_do().
8 byte alignment
If memory has been provided here ( rel_graph_out!=NULL, rel_graph_out_maxlen>0) then respell_do() will fill in here the resulting RelGraph. The size of the provided memory (rel_graph_out_maxlen) must be at least rel_graph_out_len*sizeof( RelGraph). If the provided memory is too small, the results are truncated.
If memory has been provided here (rel_result_out!=NULL, rel_result_out_maxlen>0) then respell_do() will fill in here the resulting RelResult. The size of the provided memory (rel_result_out_maxlen) must be at least rel_result_out_len*sizeof(RelResult). If the provided memory is too small, the results are truncated. The used code page is according to the value of rel_codepage.
If memory has been provided here (result_text!=NULL, result_text_maxlen>0) then respell_do() will fill in the resulting text string. The size of the provided memory (result_text_maxlen) must be at least result_text_len*sizeof([w]char). If the provided memory is too small, the results are truncated. The used code page is according to the value of rel_codepage. The parameters reject_level, reject_char, and text_format in the structure ReSpellParm (described above) control the generation of result_text in the same way as with the functions re*_textline().
8 byte alignment.
